Transit Oriented Home Development Communities on the Rise in U.S.

Although we at Healthy Home do not think it’s possible that all of us can uproot from our homes and move from our communities so easily, we do find last week’s Wall Street Journal article about transit-oriented development (TOD) extremely interesting from a conservation standpoint.  Simply put, TOD’s are planned communities where town houses or condos coexist with commercial enterprises such as hotels and retail stores near a train station.  According to the WSJ piece, this is now one of the hottest trends in the housing market.

With home prices down since the financial meltdown, gas prices hovering around $4 per gallon and use of mass transit on the rise, these communities are popping up from coast to coast. Moreover, some federal, state and local governments are providing tax incentives to TOD developers to reduce pollution and sprawl.

What are your thoughts on these types of communities?

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