A List of Five Fab Eco-Friendly Interior Design Blogs

The Healthy Home team strives to make your house as energy efficient as possible and encourages you to contact us for a home energy audit.  Once you focus on making the structure “green”, it is time for the fun part of sprucing up the interior of your home.  Home furnishings can be sustainable as well and we highly recommend checking out these five great eco-friendly home decorating blogs featured on today’s ecologist.org.    Although four out of five of the featured blogs below are from UK-based writers, the ideas written about are universal and can be applied to U.S. readers.

Heath Design’s founder, Oliver Heath, has his own UK television show and blogs about nature-inspired green home design and eco-home news:  www.oliverheath.com.

Ecoluxestudio is written by two Americans about how to make your home green without sacrificing that luxurious and fancy interior designer “done” feel:  www.ecoluxestudios.wordpress.com

Nina’s Apartment provides helpful tips on how to spot that flea market find and unearth hidden treasures at thrift shops and vintage stores.  It also showcases the Scottish writer’s passion for all things of mid 20th century Scandinavian design.  http://www.ninasapartment.blogspot.co.uk/

Concord Green is a blog about home building and interior design along “ethical and eco-friendly lines.”  With gorgeous photos, the blog also chronicles Lisa Kaufmann Tharp’s building of Concord Green, a home that “blends harmony with nature.”  www.concordgreen.blogspot.co.uk/

The last blog, Homegirl London, follows “homegirl London” tracking down her favorite retro and vintage dwellings in England’s capitol.  Home trends and local Brit talent is showcased.

Happy reading!

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