Introducing the Next Generation of the Nest Thermostat

The latest incarnation of the Nest thermostat originally introduced last year has been released combining the intelligence of Apple computer technology with sleek design, according to an article in yesterday’s Huffington Post.  The new Nest is 20 percent thinner than the original and there have been wiring modifications that make the thermostat more compatible than before with heating and cooling systems.

Nest claims that this new system will work in 95 percent of homes containing low-voltage systems.  Many interesting selling points of this new system can be read in the Huffington Post piece here.  But the one feature that seems both user and eco-friendly is a small green twig called a nest leaf that pops up when people are “keeping their homes at an energy efficient temperature, which might be an unnoticeable degree or two below their ideal setting,” according to the article.

Here’s hoping all of our readers have a cozy nest when the cold months of winter hit.


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